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body guides中文是什么意思

用"body guides"造句"body guides"怎么读"body guides" in a sentence


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  • Disc ? fully body guided for perfect seating in high pressure services
  • The emotional body guides the experiences in third dimension which are then acted out by the physical body
  • On the spiritual path , aside from master s transformation body guiding us along the way , we are ultimately all by ourselves
  • Another important aspect in the manufacture of these valves is the clearances at the critical metal interfaces ( wedge / body guides , stem / back seat bushing , etc . )
  • Based on the kinematical design criterion of equi - chord percent ratio and spatial rigid body guiding mechanism , three theoretical design methods of arc track , non - arc track , and helical track are proposed in this thesis , meanwhile , different design methods about prime flap and sub - flap driving mechanisms are completed . three cases of different three - gaps - fowler - flap tracks are designed
用"body guides"造句  
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